Title: Crystal Oracle: Guidance from the Heart of the Earth Cards Toni Carmine Salerno - Pre-Owned Description: Discover the wisdom of the Earth with the Crystal Oracle: Guidance from the Heart of the Earth Cards by Toni Carmine Salerno. This set includes cards and a guide, all in very good condition. While the outer box shows some shelf wear, the cards and guide are well-preserved and ready to provide you with insights and guidance. Product Details: Title: Crystal Oracle: Guidance from the Heart of the Earth Cards Author: Toni Carmine Salerno Condition: Pre-Owned Cards and Guide Condition: Very Good Outer Box Condition: Shows some shelf wear Thank you for considering the Crystal Oracle: Guidance from the Heart of the Earth Cards! If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out. Explore the wisdom of the Earth with these beautifully preserved cards today!