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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Letter to the editor: Both presidential candidates must address economy

I read the article in the Deseret News: “Out with immigration, in with the economy: Kamala Harris’ Latino messaging switch” (Sept 18 issue). The national economy, and specifically money supply, is what I want to hear more about from both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. I don’t want to hear tired, worn catchphrases such as “beefing up the housing market.” I live in a house, and that doesn’t interest me. I want more fundamental policy platforms, not just “concepts” by one candidate and “targets” by another. I want to hear real ways of paying down the atrocious national debt. While I believe in supporting our allies, I think it is time for American money to cease going to Ukraine and instead be used for America’s internal needs. Social Security reform needs addressing. I don’t believe in a Digital Reserve Currency. I believe in what President Kennedy believed in: a sound American (tangible) dollar backed by gold or silver as the Constitution proscribes. The two candidates need to quit trying to out-bribe the other as far as pandering for votes. I want policy measures that are actually realistic and can enhance the lives of all Americans.
James A. Marples
